JCHR Author Talk – Sunday 1pm/Live Zoom

Pleased and proud that JCHR invited me to talk about award-winning “Not a Real Enemy,” as well as two other great authors discussing #survival, Jenna and Dr. Ruth S. Here is the link to the live Zoom, hope you’re in this fine chat room: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEsd-6rpzgrE9NMWCOXHz-hrp-LP8QjC00I This Sunday, 1pm, EDT You can read about the dark world […]

Grandson Al at the Holocaust Museum

Grandson Al What a pal! He’s swell Can you tell? Indescribable joy: He visits the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in DC and sends this to me can’t imagine anything so dear As an author you made my year! “Not a Real Enemy” also found at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, please add to cart  One click, […]

Theresa P Book Comments

Teresa P – New Jersey -Emails me ‘Bout “Not a Real Enemy”  Great feedback-please find the miracles at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, USHMM in DC-a review without slack! mybook.to/I3hEA5 Never forget. Never again. #Hungarian#Historians#NewJersey#LinkedIn#Israel

Brian H Review

The Life of Brian: Brian H DirectorProducerScreenwriterTeacherNovelist Appreciate the awesome review, no jest-he’s also a World Class Martial Artist! Please check out “Not a Real Enemy”   at Barnes & Noble, the USHMM in DC, Amazon-all on the horizon! http://mybook.to/I3hEA5 #Boston#LosAngeles#BeverlyHills#MartialArts#California

Marci from Canada Review “Not a Real Enemy”

Oh #Canada!  We stand on guard   for thee! You said it, Canada   Marci- “Not a Real Enemy”  at Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Amazon, USHMM in DC, open the lock find the key! Ey?  http://mybook.to/I3hEA5 Favorite national anthem?  Favorite  Canadian #band? #bookworm#bookreview #RUSH 

Jewish Journal Boca Raton

Made the #Jewish Journal, Boca Raton  Haven’t read it yet? Get off your phone  Thank you Alex  From #Ukraine, who we may annex  Hangin’ with the Russian Three Or Hungarian Three, don’t matter to me  As long as you read “Not a Real Enemy”  Please find these 3 at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, the latter […]

Jewish Link article/NY/NJ/CT/thanks all-don’t say it enough! 

Thrilled that the “Jewish Link” features National Indie Excellence Award  winning “Not a Real Enemy,” available at Walmart, Amazon, USHMM in DC, Barnes & Noble, more- Please ask your favorite store!  One click, nice pick: https://mybook.to/I3hEA5 https://pr.jewishlink.news/article/Author-Robert-Wolf-of-andquotNot-a-Real-Enemy-The-True-Story-of-a-Hungarian-Jewish-Mans-Fight-for-Freedomandquot-Wins-the-National-Indie-Excellence-Award  #Antisemitism#JewishLink#NewYork#NewJersey#Connecticut Thank you all as always, I don’t say it enough! Best team evaaaahhhh!! XO from FL! Rob

Lesia surprise FB review

A girl A curl A swirl A whirl A pearl! Thank you   Lesia for this heartfelt note and review-looking   forward to meeting you too! Please check out “Not a Real Enemy” at the USHMM in DC, Walmart, Barnes & Noble, & Amazon-right on the horizon! http://mybook.to/I3hEA5 #Hungarians#Historians#Harrowing#Holocaust #Survival