Amsterdam Publishers Meet Up in Florida!

Meet some #Amsterdam Publishers authors: Jeannette, Annette, Jo, and Rob Wo, here to send the message, yo! 8 and counting from #Florida, intriguing & astonishing! Annette has 2 recent book releases, prolific & terrific!Wolfy’s bio “Not a Real Enemy,” as well as these other amazing stories, as always available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble! Stop waiting […]

Sakhi Khan Reviews “Not A Real Enemy”

The Khan Man: Sakhi Khan, king of #squash and a 4 time author, including a book about his sport, loved “Not a Real Enemy” by Rob Wolf MD! Coach Khan (Bowdoin in #Maine) was a 4 time all-NCAA player and made the finals his sophomore year-Recently inducted into #Tufts sports Hall of Fame, he is […]

Yahoo! News Press Release

Completely thrilled and humbled about “Not a Real Enemy” being featured in Yahoo! News-available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble! Read it here!

Dr. Az buys book/Church of Annunciation

Our friend Aziza, a pediatrician from Bangladesh now in Boston, buys “Not a Real Enemy” just before we visit the holy Church of the Annunciation. This church in Nazareth is one of the Holiest Christian sites. It stands in the site that was believed to be the house of Mary, where she announced that she […]

The Good Doctor’s Demeanor

The few people that knew Dr. Ervin Wolf (dad) appreciated his fun-loving and never-ending sense of humor. Despite his thick and endearing Hungarian accent, his mastery of the English language was better than most Americans. A friend of the family recently said that Dr. Wolf had a heart of gold, and his great attitude prevailed […]