Old City
A Beautiful church adjacent to the Western Wall, a glimpse of the preserved narrow streets in the Old City (don’t be shocked by the cycles and electronic vehicles flying by you!).
“Roam the streets of Jerusalem, search her squares, look about and take note.” Jeremiah 5:1
Not just the synagogues and marketplaces, the parks and study halls, the shops and cafes infuse the Old City with beauty and holiness. The actual names of the streets as well- named for the figures, values, places, and dates that are most dear to the people. Some names strike a familiar chord in us- King David Street or Menachem Begin Expressway. While some others Gdalyahu Alon, Sfat Emet, Hashalshelet- may feel more like a secret.
Also, the professor and his wife duck out of the ambulance’s way (as we all did), barely fitting in the “wider” street-Pray for the rescued!