
Jerusalem skyline, Shabbat sunset, and a real honor to schmooze with distinguished Israeli Professor Monty Penkower via NYC, Professor Emeritus of Jewish History at the Machon Lander Graduate School of Jewish Studies (Jerusalem), the prize-winning author of many books on the Holocaust, on American Jewry, and on the rise of the State of Israel in the years 1933-1948. He also did me the honor of writing one of the nice testimonials.  Also, fellow visitors from the distinguished Tufts Fletcher School Law and Diplomacy Professor Shafik Islam and his lovely wife Shahnaz, endorsing “Not a Real Enemy: The True Story of a Hungarian Jewish Man’s Fight for Freedom,” available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble online!

Thank you kindly; it was quite a privilege to make your acquaintances!

10% of my proceeds to be donated to the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.

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