Media Boss Podcast

Today’s list includes #Podcast #31 No where to hide, no where to run Thanks for the chat Dr. Barrett Share it, fare it… But don’t take a slice of my pie  Talking “Not a Real Enemy” with a really nice guy #media#coaches#speakers#entrepreneurs Pink Floyd  PodMatch Please find the award-winning bio at Amazon, Walmart, Barnes & Noble, the Tufts […]

Politically High-Tech Podcast (29)

#Podcast #29 We speak the truth, no memes or mimes Thank you to my fine host Elias No punches pulled, really, no bias! Please find award-winning “Not a Real Enemy” @ Barnes & Noble, Amazon, the @TuftsUniversity Bookstore, the IL & US Holocaust Museums & Walmart One slick click, just add to cart! #Bookstagram#Booklovers#Bookish […]

On the Brink podcast #27

#Podcast #27: On the Brink Really makes you think  Who’s real, who’s honest, who’s the fink? Accept the truth, have a drink  Know the difference between the leader and the dink Super chat, here’s the link Thank you,   Scott & John! Please find award-winning Not a Real Enemy By Robert J Wolf   at Barnes & […]

Robert J. Wolf on the Apollo Papyrus Podcast

Excited about today’s Apollo Papyrus #Podcast It’ll be my 25th broadcast Better than being outcast Or a member of a low caste Better eat a good breakfast  Fighting hate, remaining steadfast! Please find award-winning Not a Real Enemy By Robert J Wolf   at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Walmart- Easy click, just add to cart!  […]

First friend Sandy

My first and most longstanding friend Sandy comes to the hometown book talk, 57 years later-Thanks to you and Elaine, the next door neighbor! Award-winning  Not a Real Enemy By Robert J Wolf can be found at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, the USHMM in DC, the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center,and here at […]

Toronto Cousins

Terrific time in #Toronto, the three of us together 1st time in twenty years! Second cousins, always tight, reminisced about family, learned wrong from right- Not a Real Enemy By Robert J Wolf found at Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Amazon, the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center, and the one in DC, you see? […]

Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center Pics

Back to #Chicago, where the Not a Real Enemy By Robert J Wolf presentation was engaging and well received-thanks again hosts JD Gershbein and Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center! Meet Monica, who was with her parents at my Bar Mitzvah in 1975, and #Michigan neighbor Lou, his folks also there- Full indeed- Also found at […]